Our Visitor and companion Policy

Our Visitor and companion Policy

Our Visitor and companion Policy

As Private Mersin Academy Hospital, the health and comfort of our patients, companions and visitors is very important to us. In order to provide the most appropriate service to our patients and to meet the treatment and care needs in a timely manner, you need to follow the rules of our hospital. We would like to thank you in advance for your sensitivity to these issues that we have informed you, reminding that your ideas and comfort at the hospital is as valuable to us as your health.

Visitor Rules
  • Patient visits are made every day between 08:00 and 22:00 in our hospital. These hours are arranged taking into account the care and sleep times of the patients.
  • In order to prevent the health and treatment of our patients, scented food and drinks brought by the visitors from outside are not accepted.
  • Parents should be informed that children under 12 years of age should not visit the hospital because of the risk of infection and psychological effects of children.
  • Visitors who are at risk of infection should not use the patient's belongings and should not sit in the patient beds.
Companion Boards
  • We have provided appropriate conditions for the company to remain in our hospital.
  • Your doctor will tell you if you need an escort to your hospital.
  • The companions are expected to comply with all the rules of our hospital.
  • The companions are expected to assist patients only to the extent permitted by the doctor and nurse.
  • The companion should not be in any practice other than the knowledge of doctors and nurses for the safety of the patient.
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